Guinness Changes the Beer Ad Formula

For the most part, beer commercials are all the same. They’re based on slapstick comedy and do a poor job of communicating masculinity. Men in these spots are usually trying to get up the confidence to talk to a good-looking woman or they’re caught up in a sports game.

Guinness has changed that formula with a new TV spot featuring men who are defined not only by their physical strength, but also by their character. Guinness really captures their audiences’ hearts.

The commercial opens with a group of tough-looking guys playing an aggressive game of wheel-chair basketball. Inspirational music plays in the background. Take a look for yourself before reading on:

About halfway through the commercial, it’s revealed that only one of the players is actually confined to the wheel chair. The others were just playing basketball with a friend. And as they enjoy a Guinness after the game, the narrator concludes “The choices we make reveal the true nature of our character.”

What’s so unique about this spot is that Guinness presents masculinity in terms of loyalty and friendship, rather than the slapstick antics beer brands often use to target men. The athletes are strong and competitive, but they are “Made of more” as the beer suggests.

Guinness also separates itself from its competitors by not pushing their beer in the viewer’s face. It isn’t until the final seconds that we find out it’s a Guinness commercial. It’s done beautifully and associates the brand with traits that men can connect with: dedication, loyalty, and friendship. Well done Guinness.

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