Got Milk? – Nope!

The iconic “Got Milk?” slogan has reached its expiration date, after a long and highly popular shelf life of over 20 years (I had to do it). Today, The Milk Processor Education Program unveiled the future of national dairy marketing – “Milk Life”.

The overall messaging of the new campaign is similar to that of the iconic “Got Milk?” efforts, touting the nutritional benefits of Milk as a part of a healthy diet. It’s hard to predict the consumer reaction to the change, as the “Got Milk?” tagline has been on this earth longer than a quarter of most Americans.

Will “Milk Life” move you to put down that carton of OJ and pick up a glass of dairy goodness? Check out the video and let us know what you think.


  1. Ad Girl
    Ad Girl
    25 Feb, 2014 - 12:59 pm

    I am not a big fan of the new TV spot or the strategy behind it. People don’t feel an emotional connection to milk because it’s healthy. The reason the original “Aaron Burr” commercial (and all the others in that series) worked so well was that they tapped into the reason why people actually drink milk. Because it’s the perfect match for a peanut butter sandwich. Health is just an added benefit. I can get my protein from nuts or meat or cheese, but none of those things go well with a plate of chocolate chip cookies.

  2. John Paul Grego
    John Paul Grego
    25 Feb, 2014 - 17:24 pm

    Ad Girl, I couldn’t agree more. I also think today’s educated and often lactose-intolerant consumer realizes that Milk may not always be the healthiest option.

    If I’m going to be active, a tall glass of whole milk is the last thing I want to drink. However, if I’m looking for someplace to dunk my Oreo’s – then yes please!


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