So What’s This Vine Thing All About?

It’s been nearly one month since Twitter announced their new short video tool, Vine, and it’s already weaving its way into pop culture and marketing plans alike. Apparently the video version of 140 characters is a 6-second, looping video. And while one might first liken them to the animated gif, leveraging the masses of Twitter with this new format could provide a powerful new tool for both publishers and marketers.

Vine has already started to prove its stuff with live events, much like Twitter, being utilized over the past couple weeks during the East Coast Storm, New York Fashion Week and other landmark events. And while it has hit some hiccups with questionable content, Twitter and the internet community are working on cleaning it up.

Users seem to still be getting their feet wet, and many brands are still struggling to find meaningful content beyond neat illustrations and cute animal clips. One movie studio that’s taken to Vine very seriously is Oscilloscope Laboratories, which has been incrementally releasing their new film, It’s a Disaster, 6 seconds at a time.

Wondering how your brand can get started with this new visual platform? Here are some ideas and examples to give you a few ideas: