theme park print ads

Retro Ad of The Week: Disneyland Star Tours, 1987

In light of the upcoming Star Wars movie, The Rogue One (in theaters December 16th), our Retro Ad of the Week is for Disneyland’s Star Tours from 1987. Everybody knows Disney as one of the most forward thinking theme parks ever built. So a ride that takes you through a 3D extraterrestrial journey would have come as no surprise, even in the 80s. The headline: “Blast Into a Whole New Dimension” is simple, but very effective. And the accompanying happy passengers in the Starspeeder 3000 are equally compelling. You’re left wondering what possibilities will await when you enter this magical world that Disney created.

FUN FACT: The U.S military uses the same type of flight simulator as the Starspeeder 3000 to train their pilots. (Source: Endor Express)