circus advertising

Retro Ad of the Week, Barnum & Bailey’s Poster, 1916

Circus advertising has always used over-the-top language to entice the masses, and this 1916 poster is no different, touting “the most gorgeous Oriental display seen in any land since the world began.” 100 years later, this could never get approved by a marketing team. Red flags would include: giant hookah in the foreground, stereotypical Middle Eastern imagery, the presence of elephants, and of course, the word “Oriental.” But otherwise, it’s perfect.


FUN FACT: Ringling Brothers, who bought the Barnum & Bailey circus in 1907, had been operating their own circus since 1870. It was originally called: The Ringling Brothers United Monster Shows, Great Double Circus, Royal European Menagerie, Museum, Caravan, and Congress of Trained Animals. (Source: Wikipedia)