Dove Beauty Social Media Campaign Elevates the Selfie

I once told my mother, while she was furrowing her brow at her crow’s feet in the mirror, “Mom, every wrinkle is a wrinkle of experience and knowledge.”  She looked at me with scorn.  “Be quiet, you with your tight skin.”  I assured her, “If you’re gonna age, (and you’re gonna age) you’ve gotta age gracefully and with acceptance.”

I mean, I’ll probably feel her pain later in life.  But after I saw this campaign for Dove Beauty, I knew I was not alone on the acceptance standard. For years, Dove has been redefining beauty and warding us away from the competitive, and highly elevated standard of glamour and towards a more comfortable world, full of acceptance and even pride.

The brand’s newest creative attempt encourages girls to take an “honest selfie” and have their mothers do the same. On that same mission to redefine beauty, Dove has the women upload the photos to a gallery on, where visitors can debate on the definition of beauty using the hashtag #beautyis.

The campaign brings some energy and a higher level of interaction to the brand.  It will be interesting to see how they can sustain that interaction. Redefining beauty is the type of mission that can go in all sorts of directions, and I continue to look forward to their next move.