Why Ads Are Like Foreplay

(Headline) the silent sweep of lips over the neckline

(Visual) the kiss, slow, with tongue of course

(Body Copy 1) the warmth of hands on the waist…

(Body Copy 2) the hips…

(Body Copy 3) the inner thigh…

(Call to Action) anywhere that’s not quite “the spot,” but almost.

Need a cold shower? Good. That means I’ve done my job.

Copywriters and Art Directors have one focus: making you want a product, a vacation, a lifestyle. Making you want it so bad that you absolutely must, must do whatever you can to get it.

An ad, in any form, can be a bit of a tease or take you a little deeper. But it can never take you all the way.

That is the job of the website and, aptly titled, product fulfillment.

Let’s not gloss over that website part. It is so important to keep your potential customer satisfied, you can’t just throw anything up on the web and hope it will do the job. Be a generous lover – you need to help them get what they want from you and, reciprocally, guide them where you want them to go.

This is the approach we’ve taken with our website. It is the approach we take with all of our clients. And both clients and consumers – well, let’s just say there have been lots of “happy endings.”

Anyone want a cigarette?