Where Westin’s new campaign misses the mark.

Eye-catching visuals? Check. Simple, easy-to-get strategy? Check. So it’s a good campaign, right?

I’m not so sure. Here are three big reasons why:

1.  The copy lacks truth. “Regular exposure to sunlight is the best natural source of vitamin D. That’s why our resorts lie in some of the most beautiful places in the world.” Really? You chose the locations of your resorts with my Vitamin D intake in mind? I am just flattered beyond belief. Westin has a true wellness story to tell. It has a Point of Differentiation from other hotel brands in the form of Heavenly Everything. No need to lie to me. Just tell me what I’m going to get.

2. The unoriginal numbers game. Reason number blah blah blah. I’ve seen it before. About a thousand times. Usually by brands that are well beneath the caliber of Westin. Like my local car dealership or a county fair.

3.  Experience. Experience. Experience. Surveys have told us over and over again that affluent consumers of all levels value experience over anything else – especially when it comes to travel. While wellness is a part of that experience, these ads don’t do justice to the emotional high that comes with a complete luxury travel experience. Perhaps Westin forgot the innovative mobile campaign they just ran 2 months ago, which tapped into the real desire of its audience to get out of the cold and experience the warmth, indulgence (and wellness?) of a luxury resort destination.




  1. bob Denison
    bob Denison
    21 May, 2011 - 17:51 pm

    “Reason number blah blah blah. I’ve seen it before. About a thousand times… Like my local car dealership or a county fair.”


    Great article. Insightful/True.

    Thanks, bob

  2. Michelle Yue
    Michelle Yue
    25 May, 2011 - 17:58 pm

    Thanks Bob! We’ll try to keep the insights coming…