What are the rich reading?

In a recent study conducted by GfK MRI Survey of the American Consumer, Fall 2010 which was released in the April 26th edition of Adweek, the wealthy in America seem to be not only older, but also ‘cheap’ according to the ad industry writer/editor, Mike Chapman. The study determined that data from households making $250K or more. To me, this seems like a small amount to be classified as ‘rich’ in the US today.

Never the less, they concluded that the top magazine read was The Costco Connection, the magazine sent out to members of the consumer retail giant. A close second was National Geographic (not a surprise), followed by Better Homes & Gardens, Time, and AARP The Magazine. For a full list of magazines and where they ranked, check out the report here:  http://www.adweek.com/news/press/what-rich-are-reading-130861 It begs the question, of the publications your brand is featured in, which ones are truly hitting your target demo?