branded video

Vine vs Instagram Video: Which Will Companies Choose to Use?


Which way should you go for branded video?

It seems that even after the introduction of the new video feature on Instagram, Vine is holding steady.

Vine has hit a few bumps in the road since Instagram’s new addition, but with the help from major companies, they are still as relevant as ever. One such company is Honda. Honda created personalized Vines directed at consumers who use #wantnewcar in their twitter posts. These customized Vines have been created to showcase their summer clearance event and are receiving great feedback from the public. Twitter followers immediately jumped on this new campaign and flooded Honda with ideas for their customized Vines.

Other companies in the auto category, including Nissan, Lexus, and Mercedes-Benz, have also tried using Vine, but have simultaneously experimented with Instagram Video to see which platform is best suited for their needs. Although Instagram Video is becoming increasingly popular, its success cannot be compared to Vine.

What Instagram does have going for it is that they already have a plethora of loyal followers that can simply use video as an add-on and have one less app to worry about. On the other hand, Vine has recently updated to compete, offering an easier way to frame shots, as well as channels such as “Most Popular” and “on the rise” to introduce its audience to up-and-coming content. The ease of choosing a category and scrolling through videos is one factor that keeps Vine ahead of Instagram video. Vine is also becoming similar to YouTube in that people are making careers out of the Vines they create, and thus ensuring that it won’t be going anywhere anytime soon.

Regardless of which platform you choose, using video to market your brand (as long as its done correctly and creatively) can help you reach new audiences that you may not have tapped into yet.