Using Bestiality to Sell Cruises

Yes, that’s right, bestiality. Okay, maybe it was inter-species marriage, but there were hints of bestiality in there.

That’s what I heard on CBS Radio this morning on my way into work. A radio spot by Norwegian Cruise Lines – which I always viewed as at least a few steps up from Carnival – featured a woman who’s married to a dolphin. I would say it’s in poor taste because she calls the dolphin “big boy” and makes sexual innuendos about this harmless creature, but there are two other reasons it’s disturbing.

  1. There’s no reason for it. If you’re going to make insinuations about bestiality, you better have a solid ad concept that ties in perfectly. Something to make people say “Ah, that’s really disturbing, but I get it.”
  2. It’s a travel brand. Travel brands – luxury or not – should never use radio spots to laundry list their features. They should sell the experience.

Not long ago, The Martin Agency created this experiential TV spot, which completely hits the mark.

I have to wonder, what happened since this spot ran? What made the marketing folks at NCL violate a cardinal rule not just of travel marketing, but marketing on the whole? This gives an entirely different meaning to “save the dolphins.”

Did anyone else hear the spot this morning? Please tell me I’m misinterpreting something.


  1. Lola
    15 Jul, 2013 - 19:11 pm

    I heard the commercial and I agree with you 100%. After hearing it I was very disturbed. I hope this will not be starting a new trend.

  2. Orlando
    17 Jul, 2013 - 12:58 pm

    Ii heard it and wrote to marketing immediately. Here is what they said

    “Dear Orlando,
    Thank you for your feedback which we shared with our Marketing team. We are in the process of removing the ad from the air.

    Please know that we value your opinions and your business.


    • Michelle Yue
      Michelle Yue
      17 Jul, 2013 - 13:02 pm

      Thanks for sharing that, Orlando. Kudos to Norwegian for their quick (and smart) response.

  3. Ellen
    29 Jul, 2013 - 09:43 am

    I heard this commercial on my local Chicago station a couple of weeks ago. I thought it was very disturbing. She makes comments about the dolphins “salty mouth” and tells the dolphin to “come here and give me some sugar.” Very creepy, and the last thing that would compel me to book a cruise with them.

    • Michelle Yue
      Michelle Yue
      29 Jul, 2013 - 15:12 pm

      Agreed, Ellen. At least they had the decency to respond to complaints and take it off the air (see previous comment from Orlando).

    • Michelle Yue
      Michelle Yue
      29 Jul, 2013 - 15:12 pm

      Agreed, Ellen. At least they had the decency to respond to complaints and take it off the air (see previous comment from Orlando).