Transportation Co-Marketing / Retro Ad of the Week: Chicago World’s Fair, 1933

Ever since the first World’s Fair in 1851, these events have offered international visitors unique opportunities to explore scientific, cultural, artistic, and technological achievements from around the world. As we know from recent global events like Brazil’s FIFA World Cup and Russia’s Winter Olympics, transportation to a global event is a major part of its success. This 1933 transportation co-marketing effort promoted both the Canadian Pacific Railway service as well as what was likely the most anticipated event of the year: the Chicago World’s Fair. Co-marketing transportation brands and attractions (and even competing destinations) is still a great tactic to help promote your brand. Offering discounts or unique packages to consumers who take advantage of your partnered brand, be it plane, train or automobile, benefits all involved, not to mention taking some of the vacation-planning stress off your customers’ shoulders.

FUN FACT: The next world’s fair will be Expo 2015, held in Milan, Italy. But don’t worry — if you can’t make the trip, you can visit the 50th Anniversary Exhibit of the 1964-65 New York World’s Fair at The Big E this year, September 12-28th! (Shameless client plug.)