Tourism Advertising Strategy / Retro Ad of the Week: Great Cathedrals of Hawaii, 1971

Cathedrals, really? Not sun soaked beaches, tropical climates, or a variety of wildlife only found in untrodden corners of the globe? Such is the challenge of advertising attractions outside of a destination’s claim to fame. Looking at this ad, it all seems for naught until you read the first two sections of copy, quoted in much more legible font below:

Perhaps you’ve seen the cathedrals of Chartres or Cordoba or Milan. They’re monumental, but then that’s why Europe is there.

You can see some remarkable churches in Hawaii as well. To be very frank with you, in terms of architectural splendor, ours offer no contest. But if it’s soul you’re after, come to Hawaii.

This part self-deprecating, part shamelessly boastful language is what actually might inspire me to explore some of the world’s lesser-known cathedrals one day—followed by a daiquiri and a dip in the Pacific.

FUN FACT: Search for “cathedrals of Hawaii” today and you’ll find the Lanai Cathedrals, though you’ll want to avoid wearing your Sunday best. This is a popular spot for seasoned scuba divers where lava formations have created eerie structures under water that cause light refractions resembling stained glass. (Source: