tourism ads

Tourism Ads / Retro Ad of the Week: Normandy France, 1967

Lots of tourism ads feature a fair amount of chest-thumping. And many more are simply a montage of every single thing you can do or experience in the featured destination. But often the ads that catch your eye are those that hang their hat on that one intricate detail that you can find only in that destination and nowhere else. That’s what this ad was striving for in 1967. In case you are unable to read the headline, it says: “In Normandy they make a lace so fragile, they say it has to be protected against moonlight.”


FUN FACT: While many associate Normandy with D-Day, Normandy is also famous for its waist-expanding cuisine: rich cheese, salted butter, and delectable pastries, including one with 55% alcohol content. (Source: Lonely Planet)