The Ads of Christmas Past: J&B Scotch (1990’s) “Ingle Ells”

If you were around in the 90’s, you probably remember this print ad. Or maybe you saw the billboard. Either way, this is a classic example of a simple, fun, and memorable message. And pay attention folks – there is no visual here. Not a single one.

Just in case you can’t read the line at the bottom, it says: “The holidays aren’t the same without J&B.”


  1. Chris
    07 Dec, 2014 - 03:10 am

    Thought of this tonight, and your link was the first thing to come up.

    So genius, this is.

    And great caption, pointing out that no visuals were used. Had not remembered that! 100% awesome. 

    Happy Holidaze! 

    • Michelle Yue
      Michelle Yue
      10 Dec, 2014 - 13:26 pm

      Sorry if this is a little late, but Happy Holidaze to you too, Chris!

  2. Sandra
    10 Dec, 2014 - 13:16 pm

    I have never forgotten this ad/commercial!! Think of it every Christmas season and I believe it’s one of the most clever ads ever!!