The Ads of Christmas Past: Folgers (1986) “Peter Comes Home”

This ad may be super-cheesy. But admit it – you know “Peter Comes Home” gives you the warm and fuzzies. Even if you’re not a super-sap, if you’re a coffee drinker, there is definitely something to be said about that first pot brewed on Christmas morning. I see this commercial and immediately long for that first cup. Not sure if it’s Folgers I would reach for, but that’s a different story.

A few years ago, Folgers ran a sort of remake of the classic “Peter” spot. But it’s just not the same, as you can clearly see. If it ain’t broke…


  1. Bren
    26 Jul, 2014 - 21:40 pm

    This would be better and more meaningful
    if Peter was the parent now and that was his son coming home now. Follwing tradition with Folgers

  2. Michelle Yue
    Michelle Yue
    27 Jul, 2014 - 22:25 pm

    Nice idea, Bren. That might just make it work!