Tales from the Candy Factory: The Forgotten Hershey’s Take 5 Bar

Why cover a candy brand that you’ve likely never heard of (or at least tasted) before? Because Hershey’s Take 5 bar is arguably the most perfectly-crafted balance of everything salty, sweet, and delicious ever created. It is also, as this article from Forbes laments, one of the most ill-named and poorly marketed candy brands out there. Visit the Hershey’s website and you’ll find just one page dedicated to Take 5, found alongside the likes of the forgotten Symphony and Whatchamacallit chocolate bars. So why has Hershey’s abandoned what could have been one of their premier chocolate brands? Even Hershey’s must admit that the brand name and marketing strategy were sub-par. And for a massive company boasting over 80 brands, prioritizing is key.

If Hershey’s had to do it all over again, perhaps they would have selected a less generic brand name and given Take 5 the attention it so deliciously deserves. Until then, look for this tasty treat at your local Halloween candy supplier and help spread the word — and the wealth — that is the forgotten Hershey’s Take 5 bar.