Tablets Are a Brand’s Best Friend

As my colleague Vin wrote a few weeks ago, tablet ownership nearly doubled over the holidays, and the predictions are that the numbers will continue to trend up.

In fact, the holidays are just a snapshot of a much larger trend. According to comScore, the adoption rate of tablets is over triple that of Smartphones. Put another way: in less than two years, tablets have reached a level of market penetration that it took Smartphones seven years to reach.

That’s pretty impressive. And Apple’s iPad3 announcement today is sure to only boost that adoption rate ever upward.

As you think about how your brand fits into the tablet revolution, here are a few things to consider:

  1. The obvious question. Is your website functioning on a tablet the way it does on a desktop. If you have a Flash intro, the answer is no.
  2. Is there an app for that? Does your brand even need an app? Do you have the time or resources to create one?
  3. As TV viewing increases on tablets, how can you take advantage of that? BMW is already getting in on the action.
  4. Are you using tablets at work? If not, you probably should be. Businesses all over the country are hopping on the iPad train. And with good reason. Tablets are not only ideal for checking email remotely, but also for sales support, customer/client presentations, or to enhance the in-store experience. They can be used as much for B2B communication as for B2C.

Are you embracing the tablet culture or hoping it will go away (hint: it won’t)? How does your office/store use tablets these days?