Stop Salivating Over Potential Holiday Sales for Just a Second

I know, I know. You’re excited at the prospect of affluent shoppers opening up their purses in your stores or on your website.

It’s exciting stuff. We’re all hoping that the sales predictions will be true.

But even if they’re not, you – the head honcho, marketer extraordinaire, or whatever you may be – have things to be thankful for.

Your spouse. Your kids. Your good friends. Your brothers and sisters. Your dog. Even your mother-in-law (she means well).

You can be thankful that you have a home and a car and enough money for a turkey. Or simply that you’re alive and well and breathing fresh air (assuming you don’t live in Bayonne).

When the clock strikes midnight on Black Friday, we can all start salivating over sales prospects. But tomorrow, on the day of thanks, let’s just count our blessings.

Hope you have a very happy, healthy and safe Thanksgiving.