Speed Pitching: Can a Media Relationship Be Built in Just 5 Minutes?

The promoter of the newest trend in Media Relations, New Product Events, Inc., thinks it can be done. In their abbreviated face-to-face pitching format called “Speed Pitching”, PR reps tout their clients’ products or services to Editors and Journalists from some of the most widely known publications and media outlets in the world, including The Today Show, People, Food & Wine, Cosmopolitan, and Better Homes & Gardens.

What makes Speed Pitching so interesting is (obviously) the 5-minute time limit that each PR rep has with the 20 media members in attendance. Scattered around the event space of a hotel in Manhattan are the Editors and top Journalists from Network TV morning shows and magazines, awaiting to hear the fastest pitches they’ve ever encountered from energized and excited PR pros. You only have 5 minutes, so this is clearly more of a production than the usual email, phone, or Tweet pitch that you might be used to.

Apparently this trend is working, receiving high marks and commentary from both PR professionals and media in attendance. Media reps also receive a prepared bag filled with marketing materials and the actual products that the PR reps will be pitching them. The events are themed by product category (e.g. holiday gifts, consumer tech, health & beauty).

Of course nothing in life is free, and attending one of the Speed Pitching events in New York comes with a price tag of $2,900. A modest sum for a PR firm looking to get one-on-one time with decision makers at some of the world’s most sought after media outlets. But the price also makes it all the more important to make sure your story is good enough to get picked up. There’s no room for duds here.

Will Speed Pitching continue to grow? Will this format of pitching media change the Media Relations landscape for PR pros across the country? Only time will tell, but one thing is for sure… those 5 minutes could change a career or define a product for a lifetime.

Read more about Speed Pitching here: http://blog.us.cision.com/2013/03/speed-pitching-a-new-kind-of-romance-for-pr-and-media/