retro olympics ad

Special Retro Olympics Ad: Subaru, 1979

Feathered hair? Check. Boxy Subaru? Check. Semi-cheesy headline? Check. All the elements are there for a 1979 car ad. But, while the headline is a bit cheesy, it’s also 100% true. To this day, there are not many cars that can get uphill in a snowstorm like a Subaru can. So Subaru was being true to its brand. And having a little fun in the meantime.

We wish the U.S. teams luck in their remaining competitions and celebrate the many wins we’ve had so far in 2018.


Subaru is the Japanese word for the Pleiades star cluster M45, also known as the “The Seven Sisters.” According to tradition, one of the seven sisters is invisible, which is why the Subaru logo only features six stars. (Source: Wikipedia)