Special Retro Ad of the Week: The Big E, 1919

On the eve of Opening Day of The Big E, we thought we’d share a throwback from the 1919 fair. Through vibrant visuals, this promotional poster does an excellent job in displaying two of the strongest values behind the fair: agriculture and community. Certain things like entertainment and food are ever changing, but these two “little E’s” remain at the heart of the fair each year.


FUN FACT: The Big E has become a family tradition spanning generations in New England. We hope you get a chance to visit this piece of history for the 99th anniversary of The Big E, September 18 – October 4!

1 Comment

  1. Bob Stein
    Bob Stein
    18 Sep, 2015 - 16:03 pm

    Love all of these retro ads.  Can’t wait for the Big E..