smart b2b advertising

Retro Ad of the Week: Addressograph Multigraph Corporation, 1969

With easy check-ins and flight booking on mobile devices, it’s hard to imagine that the airline industry once relied on custom, hand-written tickets. While not fully automated, the Addressograph ticket imprinter helped speed up the process, churning out tickets in seconds for Delta. Using a strong case study in this 1969 ad was a smart B2B advertising move for the Addressograph Multigraph Corporation. Next step, getting the company name under ten syllables.


FUN FACT: The Addressograph-Multigraph Corporation, once considered one of the most significant office supply companies, met its demise less than two decades later with the growth of photocopiers. RIP. (Source: The New York Times, “AM’s Brightest Years Now Dim Memories,” 1982)