Should Your Brand Go Retro?

The task of coming up with new promotions and marketing efforts can be a lot of fun. But when it comes down to it, the goal is to initiate programs that will ultimately be successful, whether that means gaining new customers or making more money.

If you’re on the hunt for your brand’s next big thing and are having trouble brainstorming realistic initiatives, hitch a ride on the old time machine and take a look at what has worked in the past. It’s a tactic brands like Macy’s are currently diving into, and I have a feeling they’re going to be pretty successful.

Retro is undeniably hot. From fashion to interior design to music, people are attracted to the idea of being in touch with the past. It’s not only the emotional connection, but the visual style. There’s something magical about viewing history through type-faces, textures, sounds, and color-schemes.

Of course, retro isn’t for everyone. You need to make sure a retro campaign is strategically aligned with your goals. And if  you’re brand has a questionable past, you may want to put it behind you and focus on moving forward instead.

But if a true retro campaign is inline with your game plan, don’t just mimick the designs and visual elements used in the past; consider bringing old products back to life, with retro lines or using an old advertising approach that your competitors might not be considering right now.

A spirited, old school campaign might lend itself to exciting press opportunities, product launches (or re-launches) and other themed events, that are more than just mini sandwiches and cocktails.

Have some fun with your next marketing endeavor and look to the past for success in the future. And while you’re at it, make note of those not-so-successful moments, to avoid making the same mistakes twice. If you’re looking for inspiration, take a look at our Retro Ad of the Week series.