Ridiculous Realtor Billboard Photos

There’s a billboard I pass by every morning, and I’m always eager to see what’s on it each month because it’s in such a great spot. You can see it from the main road, the highway, the off ramp – pretty much anywhere. For the past month, it has given me a giggle or two on the way in to work.

I’m going to describe it first, because I had trouble getting a good photo of it. It’s a realtor leaning on a large rock, posing as if he’s going to post the photo on a dating website, with a sprawling green lawn in the background. It reads:

Unlocking real estate dreams for over 10 years.

Funny on many counts, and I wish I snapped a better photo, but here it is:

realtor billboard photos


Apparently the giant realtor vanity billboard is not uncommon. They are all over the Internet, and below I’ve compiled a few for your viewing pleasure. I feel like it’s silly to have to say this, but people who are in the market to buy or sell the house don’t really care what their realtor looks like. They want to know that you’ll help them find exactly what they’re looking for or get the best price for their home.

“But people want to work with someone they can trust,” you might say. And you’d be right. But if you think posing flirtatiously on a rock – or for that matter, in a bikini with your dog (see below) – builds your credibility, you are mistaken. I never really understood why real estate agents felt the need to put their photo on everything. I’ve learned not to be shocked when the agent I meet in person is 20 years older than he/she was when they took the photo.

At any rate, here are a few other realtor billboards that will give you a laugh – some of the headlines are just ridiculous:


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realtor billboard photos

1 Comment

  1. Lauren
    02 Apr, 2014 - 21:54 pm

    Looks like one of Phil Dunphy’s Real Estate ads could fit right in this group!
