transportation advertising

Retro Ad of the Week: Greyhound, 1945

Transportation advertising doesn’t always have to be about the destination. This 1945 Greyhound ad is a perfect example of how marketers can take social turmoil and turn it into a positive. War brings despondency and depression, but Greyhound changed the story to one about hope and national pride.

FUN FACT #1: While Greyhound was originally called the Mesaba Transportation Company, the buses were referred to as greyhounds due to their grey paint and sleek look. After several other name changes, the company became the Northland Greyhound Lines in 1929, eventually dropping the “Northland” from its name. (Source:

FUN FACT #2: In 1933, Greyhound became the official bus line for the World’s Fair in Chicago. (Source: