back to school ads

Special Back-To-School Retro Ad: Mead/Westab Notebooks, 1972

What are the best kinds of school notebooks? The ones with dreamy celebs like David Cassidy and Donny Osmond on the covers, of course! For anyone born after 1980, it would be the equivalent of having a giant pic of Justin Bieber (or Timberlake, if you’re a 90’s child) staring at you every time you opened your book bag. After all, how could they possibly expect you to sit through six hours of learning without a distraction?

On that note, we wish everyone a smooth, productive back-to-school experience.

FUN FACT: Mead’s Superstar Notebooks came out four years before the release of the famous Trapper Keeper. But they were conceived the same year. Created by E. Bryant Crutchfield, the Director of New Ventures at Mead, the Trapper Keeper was an answer to a trend. With more kids coming to schools in the mid-70’s and a lack of locker space, Crutchfield saw an opportunity. The result was an organizer that enabled you to carry six subjects worth of notes in one protected binder. After a commercial introduced it in 1978, it sold out completely. (Source: Mental Floss)