retro coke ad

Retro Ad of the Week: Coca-Cola, 1907

Before Coca-Cola became an American icon, it was a simple cure for almost anything. In this case, for the post-fireworks headache. Happy 4th of July!

In case the copy is too small to see, it reads:

The glorious 4th is all very well in its way, but the constant Boom! Bang! of cannons and firecrackers makes headaches and jumpy nerves. Drink Coca-Cola and the headache will vanish — the jumpy nerves will be calmed and you will enjoy the 4th instead of wishing you were in the country. Coca-Cola is full of vim, vigor and go – is a snappy drink. Thirst-quenching, delicious and refreshing. 

Plus there’s the reassurance at the end:

Guaranteed under the Pure Food and Drugs Act, June 30, 1906.