Where Rejected Logo Designs Get a Second Chance

Every Graphic Designer/Art Director has had it happen to them; in the first round of working on a new logo you create a whole host of (mostly) beautiful options. This plethora of work gets narrowed down to between 3 and 5 options that are then presented to the client. Sometimes the one you love the most gets picked, and even fewer times there are no revisions or additions, and you are left with a logo that is exactly as you imagined it. A lot of times, however, the logo you didn’t like the most gets picked. Or, after some back and forth and maybe some Frankenstein-esque merging of ideas, we are left with a final piece of work that is nice, but not the original piece we loved so much.

Well now there is a place to get some recognition (and prizes) for the logos you created and loved that may have never had the chance to be seen by the public at large.

The Rejected Logo Comptetition, started by UK online printer, PrintExpress, gives designers and agencies a spot to post up their rejected logo designs and have people vote on which design is best. The top prizes include a $500 Amazon Gift Card, a free year of SquareSpace or Basecamp, or 3 free months of CodeSchool.

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If you’d like to get involved, be quick though – the deadline for entries is July 4th, and there are already a few logos with over 50 votes! So you’ll need to enlist the help of friends and co-workers to get that $500 gift card.