tourism billboards and videos

Puerto Rico, You Lovely (and Apparently Happy) Island

This weekend, I caught a glimpse of a digital billboard for Puerto Rico tourism. I couldn’t even tell you what the picture was, but I can definitely tell you the message: The happiest place on earth.

Wait a minute – doesn’t that line belong to a certain mouse with a high-pitched voice? Why yes, yes it does.

So how did they get away with it? By taking a TripAdvisor review that says “The happiest place on earth” and putting it up on the billboard as a headline in quotes with a star rating beneath it.

It’s pretty lame. Not just because they used a workaround to steal Disney’s tagline, but because, based on the positive things I’ve heard about the Puerto Rico vacation experience, the destination is worthy of its own original, more compelling concept for its tourism billboards.

They are using the same line in a video on their tourism website. In fact, they use the entire review as a (horribly done) VO narrative for the video, which you can view on their website. Let’s just say, it doesn’t work very well.

Yes, reviews play an essential role in the marketing of destinations. But that doesn’t mean you should turn them into an advertising campaign. Wonder if the magic mouse will knock on Puerto Rico’s door and ask for his tagline back. He probably wouldn’t have a solid case, but he’d have every right to get angry and lower his voice an octave or two.