chipotle bag proofreading mistake

Proofreading Mistake for Chipotle?

Update: Upon further investigation, it appears that the “Lorem Ipsum” bag has been in circulation for a while . Chris Arnold, spokesperson for Chipotle, said “It’s sort of an inside joke. That block of copy is standard issue for people in advertising and design. We thought it would be funny to leave it in and see what sort of reaction it drew.” Since Chipotle is newly penetrating the Northeast, this is the first time we’ve come across this and, I have to say, we’re still scratching our heads. Read more about intentional errors in advertising here.

This is either an inside joke with everyone who works in the advertising industry or a giant proofreading mistake. If you’re not familiar with “lorem ipsum”, also known as “Greek copy” or “dummy copy”, it’s what ad agencies put in layouts for printed materials to indicate the amount of copy that will live in that space, even if it hasn’t been written yet. Looks like someone at Chipotle’s agency may have forgotten to change it over. It certainly didn’t change the deliciousness of what was inside the bag, but left a few of us in the office scratching our heads…