The Most Popular Holiday Toys of the Past 50 Years

I recently came across this fun infographic, created by Abby Ryan Design, that reveals the most sought after toys in the U.S. since 1963. From The Easy Bake Oven to last year’s Wii U, the past 50 years have seen major evolutions in toy manufacturing. Can you spot the item that you drooled over as a child (or maybe the ones your kids are going nuts for now)? For me it was the Game Boy and the Super Nintendo.

Predictions are rolling in for this year’s hottest toy, but according to Time Magazine, there is no one thing. Even naming the Wii U as the top item of 2012 was a challenge with so many brand extensions and so few innovations. Instead, searches for “top toy of 2013” generate results like 100 Hottest and Top Christmas Collections but no definitive claims to the throne. It may be too late for this season, but apparently Santa needs to step up his game for next year.

What do you think this year’s hottest item will be? Share your predictions in the Comments.