Only Dinosaurs Call It “Digital” Video

Come on, marketers of the world, lets get together on this – let the word “digital” die and slide into the tar pits of history.  When we say video, of course it’s digital. Same for when we’re talking about audio, and pretty much every recording format in common use today.  That includes televisions, phones, music, cameras, radio, theatrical films and electronic billboards.  It was all invented by Bell Labs in the 1960’s, but here we are 50 years later bolting on the modifier “digital”.

Drop the “digital” and move on.  Most of us cannot even remember “analog” anything.  There are teenagers today who can’t even pronounce that word.

When you refer to “digital” video you tell the world how old you are, and frankly, how irrelevant. You might as well refer to your “programmable” computer.

The term video (“video” meaning “I see”, from the Latin verb “videre”) commonly refers to several storage formats for moving pictures, but when was the last time that you even saw a roll of magnetic tape from our formats of the past? Even movie theaters have abandoned film.

Video IS digital.  Period.  And anyone who refers to their latest video project as “digital” is the Brachiosaurus of marketers.