Non-Traditional Ads Win the Holidays

With Christmas just a few short days away, you’ve likely had your fill of sappy, sentimental, and cheesy holiday ads. So this year, we’re setting aside the cutesy commercials of years past in favor of the off-beat, unusual, and just plain weird. Sit back, relax, and don’t worry about grabbing a tissue (though a cocktail might come in handy), as you revel in our picks for non-traditional holiday ads from yesterday and today.

Fido and Friends. Animals never fail to make us laugh, as holds true with these top picks for non-traditional holiday ads.

Sara’s Pick: Freshpet, “Holiday Feast,” 2014

It’s the 12 dogs of Christmas – and a perfectly aloof cat to top things off. Not only is this hysterical from start to finish, but it’s helping benefit a great cause, too! The dogs and cat featured were up for adoption at the recording studio’s local Utah animal shelter. You can learn more about the process in the equally amusing “How we did it” video.

Vin’s Pick: Sainsbury’s, “Mog’s Christmas Calamity,” 2015

Told in a traditional Dickensian manner, Sainsbury’s 2015 Christmas promo chronicles the early morning misadventures of the Thomas family’s cat, Mog – made famous in a series of children’s books written by Judith Kerr. The ad is both innocent and slightly cheeky, while still conveying a traditional family holiday feel. Emma Thompson as the narrator is the icing on the cake.

Michelle’s Pick: Ebay, “Pony,” 2012

What could be more magical than wild animals, broken glass, and screaming children on Christmas morning? Nothing, that’s what.

That Awkward Moment. No non-traditional holiday ads list would be complete without a few entries that make you squirm in embarassment. Sit back and (try to) relax as you enjoy our top awkward picks.

Lauren’s Pick: Kate Spade, “Joy Ride,” 2015

Anna Kendrick returns to the Kate Spade #missadventure short series with this hilarious new episode also starring Zosia Mamet. Loveably awkward and offbeat, Anna is the perfect spokesperson for the Kate Spade brand and her “I-wish-we-were-best-friends” appeal plays perfectly to their young adult female audience. Not to mention, these interactive videos push the viewers to the online store where you can buy the clothes and accessories worn in the episode.

Kevin’s Pick: Lagavulin Single Malt Scotch Whisky, “Yule Log,” 2015

It only feels awkward if you let it. So why not get as close as possible to enjoying a glass of Scotch Whisky with deadpan master Nick Offerman?

Nick’s Pick: Mobistar, “A Christmas Love Story: ‘Boy’,” 2015

I don’t want to spoil it for you, but rest assured that this story pays off once the sappy music comes crashing to a halt.

How to Do It WRONG. Going quirky and non-traditional can do wonders for a holiday ad, but it’s not always the case.

Chuck’s Pick: D’Uomo (Italy), “Feliz Natal,” 2009



Where do I start? I consider myself an expert on deciphering the marketing objective in an ad. I can’t help but look at any marketing message and try to ascertain what the advertiser had intended when the concept was developed and executed.

Given all that, this ad leaves me dumbfounded. While I can appreciate the Italian sense of design and style, not here. Not this ad. What in God’s name is the concept? It needs to be locked away with your rejected Christmas decorations. Forever.

You’re Going on the Bawdy List. You wouldn’t necessarily think of Christmas as the time to push the envelope, but these ads certainly did.

Greg’s Pick: Bud Light, “Sleigh Ride,” 2004

This ad for Bud Light is a few years old (the labels are still the old silver), but it’s pretty humorous, and supported the brand’s “It’s All Here” campaign for the holiday season in 2004. And who doesn’t think a farting horse is funny?!

Anna’s Pick: Kmart, “Show Your Joe,” 2013

This ad had people seriously divided when it first aired in 2013. Kmart took a lot of heat for the suggestive commercial, but many people hailed it as one of the season’s funniest. Who was right? The ball’s in your court on that one (#sorrynotsorry).

JP’s Pick: PooPourri, “Even Santa Poops,” 2015

Santa using an unsuspecting family’s bathroom for an emergency “drop off,” and then being caught and harassed by three adorable and somewhat abusive young girls? I think that falls under the category of a non-traditional holiday ad. This spot is riddled with outrageous puns (i.e. he’s dropping yule logs down his chimney) and all-too-realistic sound fx, yet the actors pull it off in a manner that almost makes it endearing.

Classically Off-Beat. They may be simple in style, but these non-traditional holiday ads offer something a little different.

Hillary’s Pick: Campbell’s Soup, “Snowman,” 1993

Even though this isn’t technically a Christmas ad, when I think of the holidays, this one always comes to mind. I have to give it to Campbell’s on this one. This spot does a great job in recreating the feeling of hot soup after a winter day outside and keeps the brand name top of mind.

Rachael’s Pick: Kit Kat, “Day After Christmas,” 2006

I would’ve loved to be a fly on the wall the first time “Have a break” was thrown out there. It’s one of my favorite slogans, and it still holds up over the decades. Looking at this 2006 ad, I can clearly imagine an exhausted Santa pulling off his shoes, draping his beard over the chair, and reaching for a Kit Kat. The beard is even positioned to look like it’s taking a bite, too. Fun, off-beat, and makes me want a Kit Kat!

Your turn! Do you have an all-time favorite off-beat holiday ad? Please share it with us in the Comments, and have a wonderfully extraordinary holiday!