INFOGRAPHIC: New England Travel Statistics for Marketers

New England Travel Statistics: How Women Plan Summer Vacations

Mascola Group recently surveyed over 600 women across the Northeast to learn how they plan summer travel and what they’ve got on the books for 2014. For brands looking to make a connection with these key decision makers — women are three times more likely than men to organize vacation plans (at least according to themselves) — here is the key takeaway: there is still time to sway travel intent in your favor.

If you’re marketing a destination – and especially if you’re marketing an attraction – don’t sit back and watch things unfold just because you’ve finally reached the summer kick-off. Even halfway through summer, travel and destination brands should ramp up their efforts to drive the undecided consumer to their destination well into the season.

Other takeaways of note: Massachusetts is first on the list of places travelers are planning to visit in New England this summer. And social media is NOT the biggest influencer on women looking for travel destinations. Take a look at the New England Travel statistics in the infographic below to see the numbers on where women are headed in New England this summer, how far in advance they plan, and what influences their decision-making process.

new england travel statistics