Best of Mascola Group’s 2014 Marketing Insights


Top 2014 Marketing Insights

It’s New Year’s Eve, and that means it’s time to reflect on the year behind us and look forward to the one ahead (hopefully with a drink in hand). What were your greatest successes this year? Biggest challenges? What are you most looking forward to in the new year? Wherever 2015 takes you, we hope it brings you 365 days of health, happiness, and success!

Before kicking off 2015, we’d like to share our 5 best 2014 marketing insights with you. Revisit our favorite posts below from throughout the year, and may their contents help you get off to a running start on January 1!

        1. Infographic: Top 25 U.S. Universities for Producing Millionaires
        2. Make Your Email Marketing Campaign Stand Out
        3. 3 Free Facebook Tools You’re Not Using
        4. Infographic: New England Travel Statistics for Marketers
        5. Why You Should Co-Market Your Destination


        1. 5 Steps to Building an Effective SEO Strategy

Thank you for following us in 2014. See you next year!