5 New Year’s Resolutions Every Brand Should Make

It’s not too late to start off the marketing year with a few resolutions. Before you dive head-first into a busy first quarter (if you haven’t already), stop, take a look at the big picture, and make sure you have a sound marketing strategy for 2014.

  1. Be grateful. There is never a downside to showing gratitude to your customers, clients or  employees. It’s a great way to cultivate loyalty and even acquire new customers.
  2. Re-examine your social media mix. What worked in 2013? What didn’t? Are you pursuing new audiences in the coming year? That might mean it’s time for a shift in strategy — and in marketing dollars.
  3. Say “yes”. It’s easy to throw ideas away and stick with something safe. But the most memorable brands usually have taken a risk or two somewhere down the line. I’m not saying do something controversial — just keep an open mind.
  4. Think VERY carefully about your website redesign. Have a strategy that will resonate with your core market. You might think that’s a no-brainer, but even brands as cool as Target have failed here.
  5. Email. Email. Email. If you’re not already emailing your loyal customer/client base regularly, you should be. This is the first thing they are checking on their phones. You can get started by emailing them about how grateful you are for their business (see #1).

Here’s to a happy and prosperous 2014!