marketing predictions 2017

3 Marketing Predictions for 2017

After an unpredictable year in 2016, both in marketing and otherwise, it’s difficult to predict what’s coming next. In the past 12 months, we saw a complete upheaval of the way we consume information and interact with one other. All forms of communication were turned on their heads.

Through the chaos, a few key marketing trends emerged that will be crucial for marketers in 2017. We’ve set some New Year’s Resolutions already. Now it’s time to hear what’s in store for the upcoming year.

Mascola’s 2017 Marketing Predictions:

The Rise of Live Content.
In 2016, we saw a heightened sense of urgency for the most current information and news. The result has been live content exploding across all social media channels. The live content tsunami began with Snapchat, and then quickly spread to Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. In 2017, we can expect social channels to hone their live content and advertisers to experiment with and adapt to this dynamic marketing medium.

Video will Reign Supreme (Particularly Mobile Video).
It’s impossible to scroll through Facebook without seeing video content in your feed. That may be partially because advertisers spend over $7 billion a year on video advertising. This is not a dying trend. 2017 will see the spread of video ads across channels and a more seamless integration of ads and content together.

Mobile-First Strategies will Continue to Grow.
As in the past few years, Mobile-First Strategies will continue to be important as consumers consistently choose mobile as their platform of choice. Whether it’s through apps, mobile sites, or social media, consumers are turning to their phones first. And advertisers need to be there front and center as creatively and unobtrusively as possible. Throughout 2017, marketers will continue to develop content and media strategies around mobile, while fighting against ad blocking technology.