making Gen Z your brand advocate

Making Gen Z Your Brand Advocate

Over the past decade or so, Millennials have had the spotlight, with businesses racing to unlock the best way into their hearts, minds, and wallets. But that’s about to change. The emerging generation, Gen Z (also called Zillennial), is about to become the largest demographic, and as such, the largest buying group. And they are shaking things up. Thanks to Gen Z, trends in communication and consumption are already changing. They’ve seen the rise and fall of mass social media and influencers (we’re looking at you, Fyre Festival), and are moving towards smaller, more personal conversations. Within this search for authenticity, making Gen Z your brand advocate can be either a marketing challenge, or a bullseye. So where do you begin?

Cultivate Something Shareable.

Gen Z wants to share — hence the mantra, “pics or it didn’t happen.” But it has to be within their editorial guidelines. Since they’re all about authentic experience and culture, you, dear destination brand, need to come up with something that’s not only a desirable purchase, but irresistible to share. Here are some idea starters:

  • Interactive tours
  • An art exhibit, mural wall, or scenic vista that begs for selfies
  • Custom Snapchat filters
  • Craft food, beer, and wine events and classes
  • Maker events
  • Concerts & local music
  • Social activism /charitable events that align with Gen Z values


No matter what you go with, constructing something that’s tailored for sharing is crucial.

Create A Persona To Believe In.

Taking the time to create brand and customer personas not only help define your communications, but help Gen Z find something to identify with. Gen Z cares about inclusivity, transparency, and accountability. By aligning your brand with these values, you create something Gen Z will connect with.

These values are a generalization, however. To truly create personas that resonate, take the time to research. How does Gen Z view your brand now? What do they think of your competitive set? From larger questions to what inspires them, to the more nitty gritty demographic questions, getting specialized data specific to your brand can be the difference between a persona that’s “good enough” and a grand slam.

Establish A Social/Emotional Connection.

These digital natives are more committed to social and environmental causes than the generation before them. Whether they realize it or not, Gen Z uses their buying power as a vehicle for activism. 76% of Gen Z have said they purchased a brand/product because the brand supports causes they care about, like social justice, equal rights, philanthropy, and environmental protection. Moreover, 67% have stopped purchasing a brand if they behaved in a way that they didn’t agree with.  Giving Gen Z more than just a product or service, but instead a story, message, or cause to support and believe in is key.

Keep Moving The Target.

There’s no doubt about it, Gen Z is a more elusive target. They’re digitally savvy and aren’t hanging around the same social sites as their parents — or even the previous generation. Brands that embrace this change, become more agile in their digital marketing tactics, and learn how to communicate will have the best footing when it comes to making Gen Z their brand advocate .