Luxury/Non-Luxury Brand Collaboration, the Right Way

High-end brands are not built for the masses; they are designed for a group of people who can afford a certain lifestyle. It’s the exclusivity of such brands that makes the less fortunate masses yearn for the experiences they offer.

These people, who put luxury brands on a pedestal, are a big part of what maintains demand for a luxury brand and the younger of this group could be future customers.  So why not honor your hard-working admirers by giving them a taste of the luxe life?

Going against the ever-looming risk of brand damage, many brands have had success doing it with these types of brand collaborations. When it’s done right, opening your doors to the masses can be a great way to gain press, but an even better way to maintain your company’s social responsibility. One of the best ways to do this is to require a charitable donation (like high-end destination club, Inspirato) or volunteerism, which gives an incentive to those who can’t usually afford your brand, while adding meaning to the offer. The price of your offer must be affordable, but still remain exclusive, with limited availability within a short period of time.

Consider that the people who rave about your brand, even though they may not be able to afford it yet, make for excellent brand ambassadors.

Obviously, companies need to think about protecting the integrity of their brands. But sharing the experience you’ve created in a smart way may actually boost your reputation.