Luxury watch marketing from Rolex

Luxury Watch Marketing / Retro Ad of the Week: Rolex Watches, 1960

When discussing luxury watch marketing, Rolex is one of those brands that has been at the top of the game for quite some time. Given that Rolex watches are one of those unique luxury items that instantly make someone a member of “the club”, so to speak, the unique selling proposition to the customer is hard to deny.  As this ad from 1960 states:  “Leaders in all walks of life acknowledge that pride of Rolex ownership starts conversations…makes strangers friends and distinguishes each as a person of taste and judgment.”


FUN FACT:  Aside from his turn in luxury watch marketing, Bob Hope also holds two Guinness world records:

  1. The entertainer with “the longest running contract with a single network – spanning sixty-one years.”
  2. The “most honored entertainer.”
