Mobile Shopping Stats for Affluent Consumers

Luxury Marketing Alert: Mobile Shopping Up Among U.S. Affluent Luxury Consumers

A recent study conducted by Unity Marketing has yielded some interesting results with regard to affluent individuals and their online shopping habits.

Among other things, the study showed a 16% increase in affluent users “shopping or purchasing via mobile” (22% vs. 38%), from 2011 to 2012:

As a luxury marketing agency, these numbers aren’t particularly surprising to us, especially given the explosion of mobile use over the past two years.  These results are in direct contrast to a similar study featured on our advertising blog two years ago, though, where affluent consumers had indicated that they still preferred computers over mobile devices for online purchases.

This relatively rapid increase serves as yet another reminder that luxury marketers and advertising agencies alike need to pay close attention to how consumers are using mobile devices to interact with their respective brands.