I Hate Ad Agencies (.com)

Yes, it really exists.  www.IHateAdAgencies.com is a web site supposedly dedicated to those who believe that the ad industry is now at its lowest point ever, and that there are any number of reasons for the good people of the world to vent their frustration on our profession.

First, the idea of hating agencies is far from new. Agencies, and the advertising they create, have been tagged for decades for the evil manipulation of the masses. Advertising, as the rant goes, contributes or causes most of the bad things on earth. The work causes innocent people everywhere to buy things that they don’t need, and claims are continually being made that advertising causes the things we buy to be exponentially more expensive to pay for the advertising that started it all.

We know that is pure rubbish, but is it true that Marketing Directors hate ad agencies too?  Are we a necessary evil?

Sadly, I think the answer is, all too often, yes.

If we took a poll and asked the MD’s what they think of the agencies that they work with, would the age-old cliche’s emerge?  Prima donna creatives. Ass-kissing account people.  Has-been principals without souls.

IHateAdAgencies.com cites “wacky creative teams; cute, clueless reps; fast talking ad men; and random, confusing invoices.”  Is that enough to generate hatred?

I hope I’m wrong. I’m sure I am when it comes to our clients, but every agency must think they’re not to blame.

There is no website called ILoveAgencies.com. The closest  I could get was a web site for an agency out of Houston called Love Advertising.  It’s not the same.

The ironic twist here is the hate web site is actually a front for–you guessed it–an ad agency!

No wonder we’re hated.  We reap what we sow.


  1. Jeff Rothe
    Jeff Rothe
    19 Jul, 2011 - 14:33 pm


    Thanks for noticing. In fact, our tongue-in-cheek IHateAdAgencies.com site was a concept that emerged from the angst felt by many of the marketing directors whom we have met when they had to deal with big agencies. They are always relieved to learn that the way we do business alleviates those frustrations.

    The IHAA microsite was done partly for fun, and mostly to support a direct marketing campaign we produced last year. The result was a significant increase in existing and new business, and a “best of show” award from the Business Marketing Association in the Carolinas.

    Although the site is not totally transparent in its connection to our agency, as you know it is not that tough to figure out, either. And it offers free cartoon downloads by famed illustrator, Walter Stanford, depicting the top 4 reasons people hate ad agencies.

    We appreciate your attention! And by the way, I really like your site, and enjoyed the few blogs I have read. Good work!


    Jeff Rothe
    SELMARQ Brands’ Best Friend®

  2. Chuck Mascola
    Chuck Mascola
    19 Jul, 2011 - 16:17 pm

    Dear Jeff–
    Thank you for your kind words. IHateAdAgencies.com was a great idea. I’m not surprised to see that it generated the attention and the business that it did. Wish I had thought of it first!
