Google Does Deals (Better Than Anyone Else, of Course)

Just over a month into Beta testing, yesterday five new metros have been made available in Google Offers, Google’s version of Groupon. Though I still wonder if deal sites are a good move for brands,  Google will likely take the concept to the next level – just like they do everything else.

The most compelling thing that Google has to offer businesses is their immense network. With over 1 billion users worldwide and assets such as Google Places, Google Wallet, Gmail and Adwords, the distribution will be much larger and more targeted than anything Groupon or any other deal site is capable of.

Also, with Google’s knack for making things easy and accessible to any small business with a computer and a bank account, every pet sitter, boutique shop and local diner will soon be able to promote their business with Google Offers.

Another way Google Offers will one up Groupon? They pay more quickly than other vendors. And though I could not find a confirmed number on the percentage of profits that Google Offers takes, if they’re smart, they will take less than the 50% commission that businesses currently pay to Groupon and Living Social.

Just another way Google is showing the rest of us how to do things the right way. I wonder what kinds of delicious ideas they have brewing with the acquisition of Zagat.