Halloween Ads: Cream of the (Candy Corn) Crop, Part 1

Halloween brings out some of the year’s best ads. It’s no wonder why more candy is purchased in the days leading up to the holiday than any other days of the year with all of the sweets we see on television and in print. In honor of All Hallow’s Eve, we’ve chosen our all-time favorite Halloween ads—past or present, television or print—and what makes them memorable.

VIN: Snickers, Horseless Headsman, 2013.

My current favorite Halloween ad is the Snickers “Horseless Headsman” TV/Online spot. It is fun and memorable, while also doing a great job of tying in with their existing “You Are Not You When You’re Hungry” campaign – a double win, from a marketing standpoint.


JP: McDonald’s, McNugget Buddies Halloween, 1989

Aside from Christmas (maybe), two of the best experiences you can have as a child are collecting a pillowcase full of candy on Halloween night, and being rewarded with a McDonald’s Happy Meal. I can specifically remember being 10 years old and collecting all of the Halloween Chicken McNugget toys that were featured in this commercial. Those were good times!

CHUCK: Absolut Vodka, Absolut Howl, 2001.

At the height of this ad campaign, Absolut raised liquor advertising to an art form. I still drink Absolut today, since none of the multitude of brands that have followed have diminished my affinity for this brand, personified by this campaign. It ran for twenty-five years and generated over 1500 ads, making it the longest uninterrupted campaign ever.


FUN FACT: The original idea for this campaign came from South African art director Geoff Hayes who reported that the idea for the first Absolut ad, Absolut Perfection, came to him in the bathtub.

RACHAEL: Dirt Devil, The Exorcist, 2010

This ad was the perfect mix of suspense and humor. I remember seeing it for the first time, sitting poised to switch the channel if the ad took a frightening turn. Instead, it offered a humorous surprise and gave me an all new respect for the brand.

KAITLYN: Captain Morgan, Perfect Match, 2007

Captain Morgan is supposed to be mischievous and amusing and I like how the characters in this spot capture the essence of the brand. I thought this was a clever and funny ad.