Nearby Friends: Facebook Creeping Just Got a Lot Creepier

Having trouble keeping tabs on your friends at all times? The folks at Facebook can help you with that! The social media behemoth is launching a new service called “Nearby Friends” that uses real-time location data to notify users when they are geographically near a Facebook friend.

Now, the idea that it “wants to facilitate those serendipitous meetups where you run into a friend and end up having a meal or hanging out together” sounds novel. However, how serendipitous is it if your smartphone is telling you before it happens? It borders on stalking. Picture it: you’re at your neighborhood coffee shop enjoying a delicious latte. All of a sudden, that weirdo from your 10th grade math class shows up out of the blue <cough><cough> and starts talking your ear off about how much he misses high school and how he just got out of jail… sounds awesome, right? Not really.

Oh and by the way: Facebook will be using your Nearby Friends history to serve you ads – probably for that latte you were trying to quietly enjoy. Are you willing to trade your privacy for coffee + creepy encounters? That’s up to you, folks. I love technology and I love innovation, but privacy is something that should not be taken lightly. I’ll be opting out on this one.