Do You Need to Have Employer Branding?

The short answer is “yes”.

Here’s the long one:

The term “employer branding” has been around since the 1990’s, but most marketing professionals would be hard pressed to define the term 20 years later.

Simply put, employer branding is the image an employer projects to their current employees, prospective employees, and through those people, to the world beyond.

While every organization is focused on their core customer brand(s) and the perception of those brands in the eyes and minds of their target audiences, almost no organizations pay attention to their employer brands.

And since we all know that the brand ambassadors, that is, the people who are paid to bring a brand’s image to the target, are the most important distributor of the brand promises, it is painfully obvious why brands that overlook the employer brand proposition are missing opportunities, and much worse, diminishing the image of their brand by failing to address this issue.

The employees are the lifeblood of every company and institution in the world. When those employees do not understand the brand promise, or worse yet, are hired without even hearing the employer brand promise, they cannot have a true understanding of their role in the dissemination of the brand promise. When that occurs, there is a significant chance that the employee is not even the right person for the job they were hired to do.

Creating an Employer Brand alongside your regular Brand can nip any problems in the bud early on. When you attract the right people using the right marketing tools, you can feel more confident that your brand promise will be appropriately passed along to potential customers and clients.

Being clear about who you are, what you expect of your employees, and what they can expect from you will go a long way and have positive effects on your brand that you may have never considered before.