By Book or by Nook: the impact of emotional advertising.

This week while watching Dancing with The Stars, I saw the Read Forever commercial for Barnes & Noble’s Nook. The TV spot, which is accompanying the launch of the new and updated NookColor, focuses on the importance and joy of reading rather than the screen upgrades and apps. As a fiction lover (and Nook owner) this poignant ad promoting reading, paperback or otherwise, was very impactful for me. Yes, I will Read Forever.

Connecting with this commercial made me think of other TV spots over the years that do a great job of connecting with the audience. Liberty Mutual’s Pay it Forward spot always gives me the warm and fuzzies. Or, how about any of Visa’s Go World commercials?
For me, it’s nice to have such an impactful reminder of turning a product (e reader, insurance, credit card) into a brand by linking it to positive human emotion. To create an affinity, brands need more than just the bells and whistles of their product or services. Do the warm and fuzzies lead to sales? Maybe not immediately, but Barnes & Noble has at least one more Nook lover.