Brand Standards in Action

As a followup to an earlier post I wrote about the Importance of the Brand Standards Guide I thought I would show a great example of one from a company we all know. Roger Oddone, one of Google’s Senior Designers, posted their “Visual Assets Guidelines” in two parts to his Behance portfolio page. Part 1 contains Product icons and logo lockups and Part 2 has User interface icons and Illustrations. I came across this thanks to a post on Fast Company’s Co.Design blog, which has a great synopsis of the brand standards guide, or you can just read through the pieces in their entirety (which I highly suggest to anyone who is a brand manager or designer working on a logo project).

The piece shows, in great detail, how to manage a huge family of logos, icons, and typefaces as one cohesive unit. I have admired how since 2011 Google has been cleaning up their image, and now we can get a sneak peek into the thinking that has gone into it and the document that will guide their internal creative team and partners in the future.

brand standards guide - google