Brand Change Needs to Come from the Inside Out

I recently came across an article by Dan Pallotta in the Harvard Business review entitled “A Logo is Not a Brand”. Pallotta does a great job of summarizing what it is that makes up a brand. Here at Mascola, we are constantly beating this drum. We often have to convince potential clients that just a facelift of corporate identity is not going to change their brand. If you’re looking to change your brand, it has to come from the inside out.

A brand is everything about your company. This includes your website, employees, operational facilities, products, customer service, and yes, the logo. Everyone and everything needs to be, as we so often say here, singing to the same sheet of music. If you have one weak link in the chain, that can ruin the whole experience for a consumer.

As new technologies continue to emerge, it can get harder and harder for brands, especially small businesses, to keep tabs on every single consumer touch point. But it is a necessity if you want to survive, and more importantly, to thrive.